Every people have different hobbies. One hobby that is interesting is collecting animals. Sometimes, fish also can be used for pets. Furthermore, there are several types of fishes. There are saltwater and freshwater fishes. Both of them have
Table of Contents
Best Types of Tropical Fish for Beginner
So many types of tropical fish you can keep today, but not all that fish you can easy to care. There are several common tropical freshwater fish that you can keep with less maintenance and easy to care.
1. Neon Tetra
Neon Tetra becomes the popular and famous freshwater fish. It has a tiny body with one inch of length. It also has a vibrant color. Furthermore, this docile animal is easy to care. The Neon Tetra can be a good choice as fish for small tank.
2. Swordtail Fish
Swordtail becomes the other beautiful and lovely as best types of tropical fish for beginners. It has two inches in length, and it has the unique characteristic. You can put female and male swordtail together in an aquarium. Swordtail is peaceful and active, but it is not aggressive. This unique Swordtail fish can be your choice for your new aquarium.
3. Fancy Guppy
The other types of tropical fish you can put in your tank is fancy Guppy. It is the beautiful one which has long fins and tiny body. The very active type with the beautiful colors you can keep an aquarium to make your aquarium more beautiful. The vibrant color on fancy guppy makes this fish so cute. However, if you have the aggressive and bigger in your tank, it is better for you not to put this fancy Guppy together because this type may be eaten by them. The fancy guppy type is really suitable for your small aquarium.
4. Corydoras
Corydoras call as Cory catfish is also the common type of fish that can be considered for your tropical aquarium. Cories is a genus of freshwater in the armored catfish family. It is ancient-looking and small fauna which has the different characteristic from another tropical species. It has two until three inches for length.
5. Black-Skirt Tetra
Another one you can keep is Black-Skirt Tetra. Having the little round body is one characteristic of the Black-Skirt Tetra. This is very beautiful fish which have the silver and black colors for its striped bodies. Black Skirt Tetra named as the best tetra fish for beginners. It also has the black flowing fins which make its body looks so sweet when they are swimming together in a group. It is docile and easy to be cared because Black-Skirt Tetra does not need the particular food. It eats the same food with the regular one.
6. Zebra Danio
The next fish that we suggest on types of tropical fish for beginners is Zebra Danio. It is
7. Cherry Barb
And last our advice you can keep in your small aquarium is Cherry barb. This is the beautiful fish, but some people say that it includes in semi-aggressive fishes. However, you can choose this one for your freshwater tank.
Tropical Fish Care Guide
If you are pet lovers, you have to be a good keeper for your pets. Choosing the beautiful fishes is not the end. You have to take care of your keep. Furthermore, if you keep the tropical freshwater fish in your aquarium, you have known the way to take care of them so that your fauna will always be healthy and beautiful. You need several steps to caring for the fauna on an aquarium. The first thing that you have to do is creating the comfortable tank for your pet. It can be done by doing several things.
First, you have to cycle the fresh water on your tank about 50% to 70% of the water every six to eight weeks. Besides, on your aquarium, you need the right filtration system and low light plants. You have to set all things above before you choose one. Second, you have to choose the suitable fish for your tank. You have to adjust the fauna with the aquarium that you have. If you have adopted the type of tropical fish for your tank, you have to maintenance your tank regularly. Those are several steps for caring so that they will be healthy.
Essential Equipment
For the tropical aquarium, you need several pieces of equipment for caring. The necessary equipment for tropical fish care is a good tank, gravel, water filter, filter media, water thermometer, water heater, right fish food, cycling fluid, water conditioning fluid, fish net, and hose and siphon. These equipment are really needed for aquarium care. When you keep fishes in your tank, absolutely, you should have that aquarium equipment. Beside that tools, you may need some species to care of your aquarium. Some of them can clean up your tank healthy.
Prevent Tropical Fish Diseases
To make your fauna stay healthy, you have to give the best treatment and health care for your fishes. Some tropical fish can be attacked by some betta fish disease like bacterial infections, fungus, ich, lymphocystis, parasites, pop-eye, and other. So, you need the several medication for making healthy. Some of them require a particular medicine. Therefore, you have to know several medications for your fauna. Commonly medicinal products for fishes are API Melafix, Copper-AID, Coppersafe, and Cupramine. Those medicines you can easily found on the market today or your favorite online store and of course can be used for caring
In addition, other medicines that can be used for your fauna are Eco-Balance, E.M Erythromycin, Fungus cure, Herbtana, Ich-Attack, immune-plus, KanaPlex, Maracyn, Maracyn Oxy, Maracyn Plus, Maracyn Two, MelaFix, Methylene Blue, and so forth. You can choose the medicine that is correct for your fauna because the diseases that may attack you tank species. The health care for fish needs to be considered if you want a healthy aquarium. As the fishes lovers, you have to be the best keeper for your fish.
Several types of tropical fish above become the right choice for beginners and can be the best option to keep in your first aquarium. You can keep one or more tropical fish on your tank. You have to know the characteristic of each type above to give the optimal treatment. The best treatment for fauna is a good way to make your beautiful tropical aquarium.
Kathy Doran says
Very best and most hardy fish for beginners in a 3 gallon tank.